High quality healthcare data research solutions with iData Research

Healthcare industry data research consulting with iData Research 2024: We believe that the “betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct”. That service to our clients is regarded as a passion and not a chore, and that the diversity of our approach to create a unified vision in research, is what drives us to strive for excellence every day. CEOs, Company Presidents, Product Managers, Marketing Managers, Business Developers, Investors, Consultants, Distributors, startups as well as Global Giants rely on us to make better consequential decisions, faster. The relationships we build with our clients over the years say more about the trustworthiness of our data than a research methodology ever could. Find more info at iDataResearch.

Marketing decisions made based on poor data is costing companies $500K to $10M in lost revenue and many people their jobs. The right data solution will define the true reality of your market and how your company can thrive within it. It helps you increase your bottom-line and facilitates your expansion and consolidation plans. When you can trust the source of your data, you can make better long-lasting and impactful decisions faster and with confidence.

Whether you are looking for an overall appreciation of certain global markets; or a deep understanding of a specific industry in a particular geography and year; or even identifying the number of surgeries/procedures performed in a country, we can provide you with the necessary information presented in various formats. MedPro reports cover the volume of procedures for all major segments mentioned in the full related Medsuite. All procedures are derived from a number of sources including CPT, ICD and DRG codes as appropriate. The procedure volumes also include a 10-year span of forecast similar to other data types.

Having iData, and MedSKU – Brand and SKU-level consulting service as your market intelligence partner will give your product team the advantage it needs to excel in this highly competitive market. It takes one minute to fill this request to receive a free quote, but the discovery of upside potential for your company’s brand positioning, pricing, market penetration and sales activity deployment, is tremendous. See the feedback in Testimonials from many companies who have taken advantage of MedSKU and gained significant share in their niche market, within weeks.

The global pharmaceutical industry is greatly impacted by the introduction of new drugs, patent-expirations, first-to-market strategies and clinical trials like never before. A wholesome examination of the global healthcare industry and the role of pharmaceutical products to alleviate pain and suffering, requires a serious look at forces that cause the ebb and flow of markets in various regions of the world.

Procedure Tracker gives you data and analytics in medical procedures. This volume-tracking tool measures surgical and diagnostic procedures in Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), Office-based Labs (OBLs) and Private Clinics, by payers and physicians. Well-over 70,000 ICD, CPT and DRG codes and over 100 Million procedures are screened, analyzed, parsed and categorized on a case-by-case basis to preserve data integrity. The true picture of the market landscape is built and made accessible through customized dashboards for easy interaction. Medical market surveys can also provide insight into how your customers perceive and interact with your brand. As a result, you can develop a marketing strategy that is more in line with the perspectives of the customer.